Side 1

by Judas Priest

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 12:48 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Sad Wings of Destiny

Song Author

Explained In Notice

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: Explained In Notice


1st → Vocals: Rob
2nd → Guitar: Extra
3rd → Vocals: Back
4th → Guitar: K.K.
5th → Guitar: Glenn
6th → Drums: Alan
7th → Bass: Ian
8th → Piano: Glenn

File Size

352 KB




Be hold _ 'tis I the com man der whose grip con trols you all Re sist me not, sur ren der, I'll no com pas sion call Cap ture of hu man i ty. Con que ror of all Hid e ous de struc tor. Ev 'ry man shall fall _ Your ver y lives are held with in my fin gers. I snap them and you cow er down in fear _ You spine less things who bel ly down to slith er, the end of the world you fol low to be near Cap ture of hu man i ty. Con que ror of all Hid e ous de struc tor. Ev 'ry man shall fall _ Mourn for us op pressed in _ fear. Chained and shack led we are bound Free dom choked in _ dread we live since Ty rant was en throned _ _ _ _ _ I listen not to sym pa thy, whilst ru ler of this land With draw yer feeb le aches and moans or suf fer smite from this my hand Cap ture of hu man i ty. Con que ror of all Hid e ous de struc tor. Ev 'ry man shall fall _ Mourn for us op pressed in _ fear. Chained and shack led we are bound Free dom choked in _ dread we live since Ty rant was en throned _ _ _ _ _ My le gions faith ful un to death, I'll sum mon to my court And as you per ish each of you shall scream as you are sought Cap ture of hu man i ty. Con que ror of all Hid e ous de struc tor. Ev 'ry man shall fall Mer ci nar y ba tal lions _ Are poised to strike us down _ _ Term i na tion's con quest Up pon us now, full grown Save Me, My heart's op en wide Help Me, No ques tion of pride Save Me, My peo ple have died To tal Gen o cide _ Dev a sta tion hun gers She waits to _ leap _ to _ earth _ Imm i nent liq _ ui da tion Be fore the grand re birth _ _ Save Me, My heart's op en wide Help Me, No ques tion of pride Save Me, My peo ple have died To tal Gen o cide _ Sin Af ter Sin, I Have En dured Yet The Wounds I Bear Are The Wounds Of Love _ Fran tic mind less zom bies Grab at fleet ing time Lost in cold per plex ion Wait ing for the sign Ge ner a tions trem ble Cling ing face to face Help less sit u a tion To end the per fect race Slash ing, sense less sa bers Cut us to _ the ground _ Eag er for the life blood Of all who can be found _ Save Me, My heart's op en wide Help Me, No ques tion of pride Save Me, My peo ple have died To tal Gen o cide _ Slice to the left, slice to the right None to re tal i ate, none will fight Chop ping at the hearts, snuf fing out the lives This race de parts, no one will sur vive _ Heads to the feet, feet to the air Souls in the soil, hea vy in de spair End of all ends, bod ies in to dust To greet death friends, ex tinc tion is a must _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The old man's sit ting there _ his head bowed down _ _ _ _ _ Ev 'ry now and then he'll take a look a round _ And his eyes re flect the mem 'ry pain of years gone by _ He can't re gain no stal gic dreams he'll nev er see a gain With trem bling hands he wipes a tear _ _ _ _ _ Ma ny fall like rain there's one for ev 'ry year _ And his life laid out so clear ly now life that brought death _ So near ly now life once he clung to dear ly now lets go But spare a thought as you pass him by, take a clo ser look and you'll say He's our to mor row _ _ _ just as much as we are his yes ter _ day A lone ly grave, and soon for got _ _ _ _ _ On ly wind and leaves la ment his mourn ful song _ Yet they shout his ep i taph out clear for an y one _ who 's passing near It names the per son ly ing here as you And you... And you... And YOU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Be ware of their com ing Take heed, our time is near Fa _ tal i ty re lin quish not Bru tal i ty in arms doth seek to de stroy _ _ _ They smashed through the clouds in to the light of the moon _ Their steeds were full char ging, called de struc tion and doom 'Twas as if all hell had broke loose on this night _ And all in all _ it was a ter ri ble sight Now we are tak en on to the is land of dom i na tion We got ta get, we got ta get, we got ta get out of this place _ There's a man with a nee dle who's plead ing to get to my face _ Hide me and hold me con trol free as best as you can _ It's all be com ing too much, I can't cope for one man _ Now we are tak en on to the is land of dom i na tion Sky rid er, you sup er son ic fly er Night driv er, you de mon of de si re Spine snap per, you tried your best to break us Throat chok er, you thought that you could take us The fright of yer life, the fright of yer life the fright of yer life is here guar an teed _ This is no il lu sion con fess ing con fus ion yer freed Lash ings of strap pings with beat ing com pet ing to win _ Oh what a mess I am blessed dom i nat ion's set in _ Now we are tak en on to the is land of dom i na tion


ALL Vocals By: AllJudasPriest 1. Prelude: (Tipton) Piano & Timpani By: AllJudasPriest Guitar, Bass & Organ By: BaptizedinFire 2. Tyrant: (Tipton / Halford) Guitar, Bass & Drums By: Ze_BR 3. Genocide: (Tipton / Halford / Downing) Guitar, Bass & Drums By: lawnmower_man 4. Epitaph: (Glenn Tipton) Piano By: AllJudasPriest Bass By: BaptizedinFire 5. Island Of Domination: (Halford / Downing / Tipton) Guitar, Bass & Drums By: BaptizedinFire